Get Involved

There are a variety of ways to get involved with ONA’s annual conference, detailed below. Many include complimentary registration.

Subscribe to the ONA25 Newsletter for regular updates about the annual conference.

Open opportunities

Sponsor the conference

If your organization is looking to connect with innovators in digital media, we provide a wide variety of compelling sponsorship opportunities and can craft something to meet your goals and needs. Reach out to Head of Strategic Partnerships Hanaa Rifaey:

Upcoming opportunities

Most of the programming for the annual conference comes together through our Suggestion Box, our public call for session and speaker ideas. Our volunteer Program Committee reviews all submissions. We expect to share the conference schedule on a rolling basis beginning in June. Selected speakers receive a complimentary badge to ONA25.

The Suggestion Box opens for program session submissions on Tuesday, March 4 and will close on Thursday, March 27.

ONA is grateful to the dedicated volunteers who help make our annual conference a warm and welcoming environment. Please be sure to subscribe to our conference newsletter for the latest details on when to expect volunteer opportunities to open for ONA25.

The 2025 Online Journalism Awards honor excellence in digital journalism around the world. Finalists and winners represent a wide range of nonprofit, public, academic, major media, independent and emerging technology organizations. ONA25 will include the the OJA Luncheon on Friday, Sep. 12 at 1 p.m. ET.

The 2025 Online Journalism Awards submission process is forthcoming. Please be sure to subscribe to our conference newsletter for the latest details.